[Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
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[Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
Reading Comprehension: This tutorial is easy to understand. Though all I ask for you (the reader) is to read the topic before complaining. Consult with a dictionary or ask in this topic what you don't understand so I can help you.
Patience: Well without this you will probably get nowhere so it is a must you have this.
Understanding: If you have patience and don't understand any of these, don't go away mad. Just go away. I gave time making this so please try your best like what I did. I may not be the greatest, but I prefer you learn and understand what will be posted here.
Ani Editor: Provided by the a Chinese community opensource source code site zhmwwl.ys168.com This program is necessary for you to start editing. To download the Ani Editor click here
Hex editor: To get started, you'll need a hex editor. Why? Because without this you'll probably go nowhere.
Download it here, it's free . After download, just extract to a folder you wish.
Base Files: Base files are the files you will need to edit using hex editor. To download the base files, click here. The Base Files contains...
Just select one. Though in this case I suggest select KD-07. It's the most versatile and easy to edit.
Microsoft AppLocale Utility: You will need Microsoft AppLocale utility because the Ani Edotpr needs to be run with Chinese. Download the utility here. On how to use it. Use Google to know how. Though I will show this in the tutorial, it never helps to research.
Part A - Decompile
If you're reading this part of the tutorial. It's because you already downloaded the required files like Ani Editor, XVI32 Hex Editor, and the Base Files. Now let's move on.
I - Install Microsoft AppLocale Utility
Even a newbie or old techie knows how to install programs right? So I'll skip the details.
II - Ani Editor
Extract the Ani Editor.exe on the .zip file. I suggest put it on a folder.
III - Base Files
Extract the Base Files folder on the zip file. I suggest put it along with the Ani Editor folder
IV - Extract XVI32 Hex Editor
After the download of the hex editor. Just extract it on a folder along with the other files you got earlier.
V - Starting
Open the Ani Editor with Microsoft AppLocale Utility and execute it with Chinese Simplified.
Open the XVI32 Hex Editor with Microsoft AppLocale and execute it with Japanese.
Open the Base File folder and select a folder you want. In this tutorial. I insist you select KD-07 folder and copy the Script.ani and paste it along with the Ani Editor.
Go back to the Ani Editor and press Script.ani-> input button. Afterwards press OK
Now if done correctly. You should have a similar look like this.
Now let's move on to the next part. If you missed something. Just use the images inside the spoiler as reference.
Part B - Deciphering
I - The List
Go to http://translate.google.com/ and make the Japanese to English. Open the ANI_Output folder and select Ani_list.txt. then translate.
If done correctly you'll probably have something like this.
Reading Comprehension: This tutorial is easy to understand. Though all I ask for you (the reader) is to read the topic before complaining. Consult with a dictionary or ask in this topic what you don't understand so I can help you.
Patience: Well without this you will probably get nowhere so it is a must you have this.
Understanding: If you have patience and don't understand any of these, don't go away mad. Just go away. I gave time making this so please try your best like what I did. I may not be the greatest, but I prefer you learn and understand what will be posted here.
Ani Editor: Provided by the a Chinese community opensource source code site zhmwwl.ys168.com This program is necessary for you to start editing. To download the Ani Editor click here
Hex editor: To get started, you'll need a hex editor. Why? Because without this you'll probably go nowhere.
Download it here, it's free . After download, just extract to a folder you wish.
Base Files: Base files are the files you will need to edit using hex editor. To download the base files, click here. The Base Files contains...
- Code:
Just select one. Though in this case I suggest select KD-07. It's the most versatile and easy to edit.
Microsoft AppLocale Utility: You will need Microsoft AppLocale utility because the Ani Edotpr needs to be run with Chinese. Download the utility here. On how to use it. Use Google to know how. Though I will show this in the tutorial, it never helps to research.
Part A - Decompile
If you're reading this part of the tutorial. It's because you already downloaded the required files like Ani Editor, XVI32 Hex Editor, and the Base Files. Now let's move on.
I - Install Microsoft AppLocale Utility
Even a newbie or old techie knows how to install programs right? So I'll skip the details.
II - Ani Editor
Extract the Ani Editor.exe on the .zip file. I suggest put it on a folder.
III - Base Files
Extract the Base Files folder on the zip file. I suggest put it along with the Ani Editor folder
IV - Extract XVI32 Hex Editor
After the download of the hex editor. Just extract it on a folder along with the other files you got earlier.
V - Starting
Open the Ani Editor with Microsoft AppLocale Utility and execute it with Chinese Simplified.
- Spoiler:
Open the XVI32 Hex Editor with Microsoft AppLocale and execute it with Japanese.
- Spoiler:
Open the Base File folder and select a folder you want. In this tutorial. I insist you select KD-07 folder and copy the Script.ani and paste it along with the Ani Editor.
- Spoiler:
Go back to the Ani Editor and press Script.ani-> input button. Afterwards press OK
- Spoiler:
Now if done correctly. You should have a similar look like this.
- Spoiler:
Now let's move on to the next part. If you missed something. Just use the images inside the spoiler as reference.
Part B - Deciphering
I - The List
Go to http://translate.google.com/ and make the Japanese to English. Open the ANI_Output folder and select Ani_list.txt. then translate.
If done correctly you'll probably have something like this.
- Spoiler:
- Code:
Translated version of ANI_list.txt
##### This list is just for viewing !#####
##### Written by zhmwwl #####
##### Zhmwwl.ys168.com ######
91 *. x files would be worked in effect.
31 [Wing_Mini3.x
Note: Standing
Amount: 3 Files
01 \ 01_robo_stand.hod
01 \ 02_robo_stand.hod
01 \ 03_robo_stand.hod
Tail: 264 Bytes
Note: Walk
Amount: 9 Files
02 \ 01_robo_walk01.hod
02 \ 02_robo_walk01_2.hod
02 \ 03_robo_walk02.hod
02 \ 04_robo_walk02_2.hod
02 \ 05_robo_walk03.hod
02 \ 06_robo_walk03_2.hod
02 \ 07_robo_walk04.hod
02 \ 08_robo_walk04_2.hod
02 \ 09_robo_walk01.hod
Tail: 940 Bytes
Note: Jump start
Amount: 3 Files
03 \ 01_robo_JumpStart.hod
03 \ 02_robo_JumpStart.hod
03 \ 03_robo_JumpStart.hod
Tail: 107 Bytes
Note: air movement
Amount: 3 Files
04 \ 01_robo_fly_stop01.hod
04 \ 02_robo_fly_stop01.hod
04 \ 03_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 706 Bytes
Note: Landing
Amount: 4 Files
05 \ 01_robo_land01.hod
05 \ 02_robo_land02, hod
p5 \ 03_robo_stand.hod
05 \ 04_robo_stand.hod
Tail: 661 Bytes
Note: Landing Step
Amount: 4 Files
06 \ 01_robo_land01.hod
06 \ 02_robo_land02.hod
06 \ 03_robo_stand.hod
06 \ 04_robo_stand.hod
Tail: 633 Bytes
Note: increased
Amount: 4 Files
07 \ 01_robo_fly_up01.hod
07 \ 02_robo_fly_up02.hod
07 \ 03_robo_fly_up02.hod
07 \ 04_robo_fly_up02.hod
Tail: 649 Bytes
Note: Stop Aerial
Amount: 4 Files
08 \ 01_robo_fly_stop01.hod
08 \ 02_robo_fly_stop02.hod
08 \ 03_robo_fly_stop03.hod
08 \ 04_robo_fly_stop03.hod
Tail: 504 Bytes
Note: Step Left
Amount: 3 Files
09 \ 01_robo_LStep01.hod
09 \ 02_robo_LStep02.hod
09 \ 03_robo_LStep02.hod
Tail: 725 Bytes
Note: Step Right
Amount: 3 Files
10 \ 01_robo_RStep01.hod
10 \ 02_robo_RStep02.hod
10 \ 03_robo_RStep02.hod
Tail: 722 Bytes
Note: the previous step
Amount: 3 Files
11 \ 01_robo_FStep01.hod
11 \ 02_robo_FStep02.hod
11 \ 03_robo_FStep02.hod
Tail: 761 Bytes
Note: Step back
Amount: 3 Files
12 \ 01_robo_BStep01.hod
12 \ 02_robo_BStep02.hod
12 \ 03_robo_BStep02.hod
Tail: 761 Bytes
Note: HIT
Amount: 4 Files
13 \ 01_Robo_hit01.hod
13 \ 02_Robo_hit02.hod
13 \ 03_Robo_hit03.hod
13 \ 04_Robo_stand.hod
Tail: 258 Bytes
Note: HIT (air
Amount: 4 Files
14 \ 01_Robo_hit_Fly01.hod
14 \ 02_Robo_hit_Fly02.hod
14 \ 03_Robo_hit_Fly03.hod
14 \ 04_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 276 Bytes
Note: HIT blow
Amount: 4 Files
15 \ 01_Robo_hitSky01.hod
15 \ 02_Robo_hitSky02.hod
15 \ 03_Robo_hitSky03.hod
15 \ 04_Robo_hitSky03.hod
Tail: 305 Bytes
Note: Down
Amount: 3 Files
16 \ 01_Robo_down01.hod
16 \ 02_Robo_down02.hod
16 \ 03_Robo_down02.hod
Tail: 117 Bytes
Note: get up
Amount: 5 Files
17 \ 01_Robo_Up01.hod
17 \ 02_Robo_Up02.hod
17 \ 03_Robo_Up03.hod
17 \ 04_Robo_stand.hod
17 \ 05_Robo_stand.hod
Tail: 213 Bytes
Note: Switching Weapons
Amount: 5 Files
18 \ 01_Robo_ChangeSword01.hod
18 \ 02_Robo_ChangeSword02.hod
18 \ 03_Robo_ChangeSword03.hod
18 \ 04_Robo_ChangeSword04.hod
18 \ 05_Robo_Stand_S.hod
Tail: 637 Bytes
Note: Defense
Amount: 3 Files
19 \ 01_robo_reflect.hod
19 \ 02_robo_reflect.hod
19 \ 03_Robo_stand.hod
Tail: 560 Bytes
Note: passive
Amount: 4 Files
20 \ 01_Robo_ukemi01.hod
20 \ 02_Robo_ukemi02.hod
20 \ 03_Robo_ukemi03.hod
20 \ 04_Robo_ukemi03.hod
Tail: 1083 Bytes
Note: Dash Defense
Amount: 3 Files
21 \ 01_robo_BStep01.hod
21 \ 02_robo_BStep02.hod
21 \ 03_robo_BStep02.hod
Tail: 809 Bytes
Note: Boost Dash
Amount: 4 Files
22 \ 01_robo_BoostDash01.hod
22 \ 02_robo_BoostDash02.hod
22 \ 03_robo_BoostDash03.hod
22 \ 04_robo_BoostDash02.hod
Tail: 2762 Bytes
Note: Avoiding HIT
Amount: 3 Files
23 \ 01_robo_BStep01.hod
23 \ 02_robo_BStep02.hod
23 \ 03_robo_BStep02.hod
Tail: 1039 Bytes
Note: Light Guard
Amount: 3 Files
24 \ 01_robo_reflect.hod
24 \ 02_robo_reflect.hod
24 \ 03_Robo_stand.hod
Tail: 6054 Bytes
Note: When guns
Amount: 3 Files
25 \ 01_robo_stand_S.hod
25 \ 02_robo_stand_S.hod
25 \ 03_robo_stand_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Walk
Amount: 9 Files
26 \ 01_robo_walk_S01.hod
26 \ 02_robo_walk_S01_2.hod
26 \ 03_robo_walk_S02.hod
26 \ 04_robo_walk_S02_2.hod
26 \ 05_robo_walk_S03.hod
26 \ 06_robo_walk_S03_2.hod
26 \ 07_robo_walk_S04.hod
26 \ 08_robo_walk_S04_2.hod
26 \ 09_robo_walk_S01.hod
Tail: 268 Bytes
Note: Jump start
Amount: 3 Files
27 \ 01_robo_JumpStart_S.hod
27 \ 02_robo_JumpStart_S.hod
27 \ 03_robo_JumpStart_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: air movement
Amount: 3 Files
28 \ 01_robo_fly_stop01.hod
28 \ 02_robo_fly_stop01.hod
28 \ 03_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Landing
Amount: 4 Files
29 \ 01_robo_land_S01.hod
29 \ 02_robo_land_S02.hod
29 \ 03_robo_stand_S.hod
29 \ 04_robo_stand_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Landing Step
Amount: 4 Files
30 \ 01_robo_land_S01.hod
30 \ 02_robo_land_S02.hod
30 \ 03_robo_stand_S.hod
30 \ 04_robo_stand_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: increased
Amount: 4 Files
31 \ 01_robo_fly_up01.hod
31 \ 02_robo_fly_up02.hod
31 \ 03_robo_fly_up02.hod
31 \ 04_robo_fly_up02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Stop Aerial
Amount: 4 Files
32 \ 01_robo_fly_stop_S01.hod
32 \ 02_robo_fly_stop_S02.hod
32 \ 03_robo_fly_stop_S03.hod
32 \ 04_robo_fly_stop_S03.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Step Left
Amount: 3 Files
33 \ 01_robo_LStep_S01.hod
33 \ 02_robo_LStep_S02.hod
33 \ 03_robo_LStep_S02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Step Right
Amount: 3 Files
34 \ 01_robo_RStep_S01.hod
34 \ 02_robo_RStep_S02.hod
34 \ 03_robo_RStep_S02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: the previous step
Amount: 3 Files
35 \ 01_robo_FStep_S01.hod
35 \ 02_robo_FStep_S02.hod
35 \ 03_robo_FStep_S02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Step back
Amount: 3 Files
36 \ 01_robo_BStep_S01.hod
36 \ 02_robo_BStep_S02.hod
36 \ 03_robo_BStep_S02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: HIT
Amount: 4 Files
37 \ 01_Robo_hit01.hod
37 \ 02_Robo_hit02.hod
37 \ 03_Robo_hit03.hod
37 \ 04_Robo_stand_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: HIT (air
Amount: 4 Files
38 \ 01_Robo_hit_Fly01.hod
38 \ 02_Robo_hit_Fly02.hod
38 \ 03_Robo_hit_Fly03.hod
38 \ 04_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: HIT blow
Amount: 4 Files
39 \ 01_Robo_hitSky01.hod
39 \ 02_Robo_hitSky02.hod
39 \ 03_Robo_hitSky03.hod
39 \ 04_Robo_hitSky03.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Down
Amount: 3 Files
40 \ 01_Robo_down01.hod
40 \ 02_Robo_down02.hod
40 \ 03_Robo_down02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: get up
Amount: 5 Files
41 \ 01_Robo_Up01.hod
41 \ 02_Robo_Up02.hod
41 \ 03_Robo_Up03.hod
41 \ 04_Robo_stand_S.hod
41 \ 05_Robo_stand_S.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Switching Weapons
Amount: 5 Files
42 \ 01_Robo_ChangeSword01.hod
42 \ 02_Robo_ChangeSword02.hod
42 \ 03_Robo_ChangeSword03.hod
42 \ 04_Robo_ChangeSword04.hod
42 \ 05_Robo_Stand.hod
Tail: 454 Bytes
Note: Defense
Amount: 3 Files
43 \ 01_robo_reflect.hod
43 \ 02_robo_reflect.hod
43 \ 03_Robo_stand.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: passive
Amount: 4 Files
44 \ 01_Robo_ukemi01.hod
44 \ 02_Robo_ukemi02.hod
44 \ 03_Robo_ukemi03.hod
44 \ 04_Robo_ukemi03.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Dash Defense
Amount: 3 Files
45 \ 01_robo_BStep01.hod
45 \ 02_robo_BStep02.hod
45 \ 03_robo_BStep02.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Boost Dash
Amount: 4 Files
46 \ 01_robo_BoostDash01.hod
46 \ 02_robo_BoostDash02.hod
46 \ 03_robo_BoostDash03.hod
46 \ 04_robo_BoostDash02.hod
Tail: 1060 Bytes
Note: Avoiding HIT
Amount: 3 Files
47 \ 01_robo_BStep01.hod
47 \ 02_robo_BStep02.hod
47 \ 03_robo_BStep02.hod
Tail: 5812 Bytes
Note: Shot Attack
Amount: 7 Files
48 \ 01_Robo_Shot00.hod
48 \ 02_Robo_Shot01.hod
Pose was added 48 \ 03_
Pose was added 48 \ 04_
48 \ 05_Robo_Shot01.hod
48 \ 06_Robo_Shot00.hod
Pose was added 48 \ 07_
Tail: 2072 Bytes
Note: Attack Shot: Right
Amount: 6 Files
49 \ 01_Robo_Shot00_r.hod
49 \ 02_Robo_Shot01_r.hod
49 \ 03_Robo_Shot02_r.hod
Pose was added 49 \ 04_
49 \ 05_Robo_Shot01_r.hod
49 \ 06_Robo_Shot00_r.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Attack Shot: Left
Amount: 6 Files
50 \ 01_Robo_Shot00_l.hod
50 \ 02_Robo_Shot01_l.hod
50 \ 03_Robo_Shot02_l.hod
Pose was added 50 \ 04_
50 \ 05_Robo_Shot01_l.hod
50 \ 06_Robo_Shot00_l.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Attack Shot: Left
Amount: 5 Files
51 \ 01_Robo_ShotStop01.hod
51 \ 02_Robo_ShotStop01.hod
51 \ 03_Robo_ShotStop02.hod
51 \ 04_Robo_ShotStop01.hod
51 \ 05_Robo_ShotStop01.hod
Tail: 1343 Bytes
Note: Sub-Shot Attack
Amount: 9 Files
52 \ 01_robo_SubAttack01.hod
52 \ 02_robo_SubAttack02.hod
52 \ 03_robo_SubAttack03.hod
52 \ 04_robo_SubAttack04.hod
52 \ 05_robo_SubAttack04.hod
52 \ 06_robo_SubAttack05.hod
52 \ 07_robo_SubAttack06.hod
52 \ 08_robo_SubAttack07.hod
52 \ 09_robo_SubAttack07.hod
Tail: 2544 Bytes
Note: 2-shot attack sub
Amount: 5 Files
53 \ 01_robo_SubAttack2_01.hod
53 \ 02_robo_SubAttack2_02.hod
53 \ 03_robo_SubAttack2_02.hod
53 \ 04_robo_SubAttack2_02.hod
Pose was added 53 \ 05_
Tail: 680 Bytes
Note: Fixed
Amount: 6 Files
54 \ 01_robo_Shot_BoostDash00.hod
54 \ 02_robo_Shot_BoostDash01.hod
54 \ 03_robo_Shot_BoostDash02.hod
Pose was added 54 \ 04_
54 \ 05_robo_Shot_BoostDash01.hod
54 \ 06_robo_Shot_BoostDash00.hod
Tail: 1680 Bytes
Note: Boost
Amount: 6 Files
55 \ 01_robo_Shot_BoostDash00_r.hod
55 \ 02_robo_Shot_BoostDash01_r.hod
55 \ 03_robo_Shot_BoostDash02_r.hod
Pose was added 55 \ 04_
55 \ 05_robo_Shot_BoostDash01_r.hod
55 \ 06_robo_Shot_BoostDash00_r.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: Right-boost
Amount: 6 Files
56 \ 01_robo_Shot_BoostDash00_l.hod
56 \ 02_robo_Shot_BoostDash01_l.hod
56 \ 03_robo_Shot_BoostDash02_l.hod
Pose was added 56 \ 04_
56 \ 05_robo_Shot_BoostDash01_l.hod
56 \ 06_robo_Shot_BoostDash00_l.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: 3-shot attack sub
Amount: 6 Files
57 \ 01_robo_SubAttack4_01.hod
57 \ 02_robo_SubAttack4_01.hod
57 \ 03_robo_SubAttack4_02.hod
57 \ 04_robo_SubAttack4_02.hod
57 \ 05_robo_SubAttack4_03.hod
Pose was added 57 \ 06_
Tail: 2378 Bytes
Note: Boost Funnel
Amount: 4 Files
58 \ 01_robo_BoostDash01.hod
58 \ 02_robo_BoostDash01.hod
58 \ 03_robo_BoostDash01.hod
58 \ 04_robo_BoostDash01.hod
Tail: 5099 Bytes
Note: Sword Dash
Amount: 3 Files
59 \ 01_Robo_SwordDash01.hod
59 \ 02_Robo_SwordDash02.hod
59 \ 03_Robo_SwordDash02.hod
Tail: 513 Bytes
Note: 1 Sword Attack
Amount: 7 Files
60 \ 01_hod1.hod
60 \ 02_hod2.hod
60 \ 03_hod3.hod
60 \ 04_hod4.hod
60 \ 05_hod5.hod
60 \ 06_hod6.hod
60 \ 07_hod7.hod
Tail: 1881 Bytes
Note: 2 Sword Attack
Amount: 7 Files
61 \ 01_hod1.hod
61 \ 02_hod2.hod
61 \ 03_hod3.hod
61 \ 04_hod4.hod
61 \ 05_hod5.hod
61 \ 06_hod6.hod
61 \ 07_hod7.hod
Tail: 1862 Bytes
Note: 3 Sword Attack
Amount: 3 Files
62 \ 01_Robo_Sword2_00.hod
62 \ 02_Robo_Sword2_01.hod
62 \ 03_Robo_Sword2_02.hod
Tail: 1868 Bytes
Note: 4 Sword Attack
Amount: 3 Files
Added 63 new pose \ 01_
Added 63 new pose \ 02_
Pose was added 63 \ 03_
Tail: 1946 Bytes
Note: Sword ago
Amount: 6 Files
64 \ 01_Robo_Sword3_03.hod
Pose was added 64 \ 02_
64 \ 03_Robo_Sword3_04.hod
64 \ 04_Robo_Sword3_05.hod
64 \ 05_robo_fly_stop01.hod
64 \ 06_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 3381 Bytes
Note: Left Sword
Amount: 5 Files
65 \ 01_Robo_Sword_L01.hod
65 \ 02_Robo_Sword_L02.hod
65 \ 03_Robo_Sword_L03.hod
65 \ 04_robo_fly_stop01.hod
65 \ 05_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 3232 Bytes
Note: Right Sword
Amount: 5 Files
66 \ 01_Robo_Sword_R01.hod
66 \ 02_Robo_Sword_R02.hod
66 \ 03_Robo_Sword_R03.hod
66 \ 04_robo_fly_stop01.hod
66 \ 05_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 2177 Bytes
Note: backup
Amount: 7 Files
67 \ 01_Robo_Sword3_01.hod
67 \ 02_Robo_Sword3_02.hod
67 \ 03_Robo_Sword3_03.hod
67 \ 04_Robo_Sword3_04.hod
67 \ 05_Robo_Sword3_05.hod
67 \ 06_robo_fly_stop01.hod
67 \ 07_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 1991 Bytes
Note: backup2
Amount: 7 Files
68 \ 01_Robo_Sword01.hod
68 \ 02_Robo_Sword02.hod
68 \ 03_Robo_Sword03.hod
68 \ 04_Robo_Sword04.hod
68 \ 05_Robo_Sword05.hod
68 \ 06_robo_fly_stop01.hod
68 \ 07_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 4 Bytes
Note: backup3
Amount: 8 Files
69 \ 01_Robo_Sword2_00.hod
69 \ 02_Robo_Sword2_01.hod
69 \ 03_Robo_Sword2_02.hod
69 \ 04_Robo_Sword2_03.hod
69 \ 05_Robo_Sword2_04.hod
Pose was added 69 \ 06_
69 \ 07_robo_fly_stop01.hod
69 \ 08_robo_fly_stop01.hod
Tail: 9817 Bytes
Note: 1 grab
Amount: 3 Files
70 \ 01_Robo_hit_Fly01.hod
70 \ 02_Robo_hit_Fly02.hod
70 \ 03_Robo_hit_Fly03.hod
Tail: 276 Bytes
Note: 2 grab
Amount: 3 Files
71 \ 01_Robo_hit_Fly01.hod
71 \ 02_Robo_hit_Fly02.hod
71 \ 03_Robo_hit_Fly03.hod
Tail: 5063 Bytes
Guest- Guest
Re: [Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
hmm, curious, why did you post it in the gaming section instead of the help section? your pictures can help many you know?
CometStrife- (40%)-Lv7
- Posts : 1256
Join date : 2010-11-07
Age : 30
Currently : Earth
Re: [Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
Yea, Thread Moved
But Thanks for taking the time to make this ^^
Can really help other :)
But Thanks for taking the time to make this ^^
Can really help other :)
Re: [Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
my applocale GIVE ME that "your system does not have the language support for the selected language install".how can i let it support chinese simplified?
Sankarea- (20%)-Lv8
- Posts : 2575
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 28
Currently : Al-Revis Academy
Re: [Tutorial] Script.ani Editing. (to be finished)
wait,i get it.i didn't install chinese support language.thanks
Sankarea- (20%)-Lv8
- Posts : 2575
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 28
Currently : Al-Revis Academy
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