Winz00e (ver 6.0)
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RIP Winz00e

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by 00f Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:22 am

winz and amecha ...are 2 different forums that are dear to its "few" users, but i think we should just reunite somewhere, heck, make a new forum, call it

Amechz00e or something, ... what could we do together? well we'd have more people, but we could also find solutions TOGETHER, that's twice as many people thinking and working to get a solution. if we do nothing at this rate... 

Eb, i would contast Rockfire,you're the new head of winz, tell him that, me and rocky were never close but you're a new hope as well... he might listen

edit: WINAMECHA  ....sounds badass, repeat that 3 times in your head!
..even better, WINAME ...sounds awesome

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:18 am

eb should be the one to go over there and see if they are interested.
here is where he should post.;topicseen#new

also was checking proboards , its 6 dollars per month to remove ads. 14 dollars per year for a domain.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:37 pm

ill talk to rockfire and see what he says

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by 00f Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:28 am

awesome, remember you both should be admin, if rocky wants to give his place to someone else that's fine, but this is a collaboration work, not a submission of anyone to anyone

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:05 pm

report on the results of the talk with him or what you guys came up with.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:43 pm

@manga i pointed that out to him i believe, or at least thats what the message i sent to him kind of implied.
@mugen i will do that, so far this is what i sent him 

Hey Rockfire, you probably don't know me but i'm the new admin for winz00e and i guess both of our sites are losing members lol. anyways, i was thinking, would you be interested in combining forums. I think that if we did combine forums, it would give the new site a huge spike in member activity. now you're probably thinking how combining the two sites would receive more activity? well, it would gain a lot of peoples attention like "hey they combine sites lets check it out!" or so at least i think that's what would happen lol. but whats going to keep the new activity is the important part. Me and couple of people are working on mech game that we built from scratch. The theme to the game is like gundam breaker, customization in the game has no limits. The only problem we have with it at the moment is having animators animating the movements of the mech(as well as other stuff like textures and mech makers). So i was thinking if we did combine forums we could work on it together with your members and mine; And when the game is finished it would bring a lot of members back to the forum. This is just an idea that i thought of since both of our sites are in the same situation. let me know what you think, thank you in advance.

-Ebgundam, Admin of Winz00e

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:50 pm

as far as gameplay goes we are going to have to have their input on things. so i am prepared to change gameplay as long as we keep the customization in.  my work would then not be a waste of effort. i guess i should listen to your guys opinion too on things.

also merging is out of the question seems rock is having amecha last another year but a joint project might be possible.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:50 pm

if joint project is possible then we should figure out who's all going to help in the project

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:49 pm

i am going to make this clear, we use unity engine or i am done. cause most my work is done in unity with loading meshes on runtime. also its easier to code. plus more platform options cause i want to do a android port.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:04 pm

well you have the say in that cause you did start it, and i dont see why anybody should complain on using unity. youve already put the time in it, so it should stick to the unity engine

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:55 pm

I have a feeling they going to ditch us.  but i have something the might be much better. CRAZINESS.  an idea thats so crazy that it might.......i am lost for words on how to describe it.  the idea needs extreme work. a year of work possibly to be a success. the final result would be......i will keep this private. helly and relly know what it is. i tell you privately.

also i think i am high on something. my brain must be burning calories like you don't know.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:17 pm

brain exercise XD work those neurons, make them sweat XD

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:09 am

did you get a reponse from rocky yet.  i wouldn't be surprised if he just doesn't care.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:56 pm

nope no response

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:07 pm

i give him a week since you sent your message  then we should think of other options.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by 00f Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:12 pm

if he doesn't respond i say we all take pictures of our asses and PM him a compilation of that

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:12 pm

are we sure, that we want to associate with gundam haters.  they are starting to insult gundam on amecha.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by 00f Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:19 pm

... that's it destroy them, a bunch of worthless bitches... wait... it "depends"... which "gundam" are they bashing on? 

cause if it's Age/build F/reconguista  then there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary... any real gundam fan needs to take a shit on those! XD
edit: Age "can" be ok... but the 2 other have no excuse

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:55 pm

build fighters is ok, as long as you treat it as a spin off and not belonging to the real gundam series that has actual story with military forces and everything.

azurecrow saying unicorn wasn't good. he said gundam hasn't been good for years. basically that includes unicorn.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Casval Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:14 pm

Unicorn was AMAZING! It brought down the feel and epicness of what the UC Era had to offer. HELL The Torrington battle was freaking insane! OLD MS vs New in a EFFXZEON Free-for-All! THAT is what I missed seeing.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:34 pm

is everyone smoking crack?
i dont understand why anyone would hate all the new gundams, i love every single series that has came out. some stories can be worked on but other than that all of them are great. gundam build fighter is probably my favorite out off all of the shows that have came out, think of it. we can easily relate with that show, you make custom mechs and fight each other. Reconguista still confuses that fuck out of me but i still like the originality it has. Same with AGE, even though the story and character design was ehhhhh, the gundams design with the age system was pretty cool. people shouldnt be picky about gundam, just be happy it hasnt ended yet am i right?

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:44 pm

I think 00f is smoking crack.  XD

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by Ebgundam Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:28 pm

^ i can agree with that statement XD

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by 00f Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:37 pm


lol guys

well, i say we all have our love for the franchise, we can't agree on tastes but we can agree gundam is awesome. i need to pick up reconguista to be fair ive only watched the 2 first eps...

build fighter was fun, but the 2nd seasons seems like a knock off to make more moneyh

i can understand people who lost taste in the series as well like azurecrow...if you compare today's show with Seed/destiny/00 epicness...then it's world apart. 

fact is bandai hasn't pulled off one of it's original epic/mature gundam titles in a while, some of us are sick of it.

Unicorn, i own the game (ps3) and watched the 7eps 2 times each...its awesome...for the first 5-6 eps, the end is awful though, rainbows everywhere, powers that make no sense for the show and cliche as it can get. very simple and predictable plot... at the end that is

that said i enjoyed the first 5 eps a lot.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

Post by InfinitasImpetum Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:52 pm

i stop watching g no reconquista halfway. had too many anime series i was watching weekly. had to drop something. still going to watch rest of it when its finished. luckily this gundam is shorter than regular gundam series runs in number of episodes.

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RIP Winz00e - Page 2 Empty Re: RIP Winz00e

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