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[Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods

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[Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods Empty [Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods

Post by Guest Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:29 pm

Here is a quick tutorial on how to add decals on the mods in Ultimate Knight

For those do not know how to root, watch this first before watching the video above ^^

Well, someone said to me that using texture is much better compared to 3D text because it is less laggy but if you have quite a good pc,i think there is not much different (well, at least from my point of view)

So, for any questions and comments, care to leave it down below ^^

enjoy ^^

Last edited by KayReaL on Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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[Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods Empty what tools you use

Post by Guest Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:47 am

KayReaL wrote:Here is a quick tutorial on how to add decals on the mods in Ultimate Knight

For those do not know how to root, watch this first before watching the video above ^^

Well, someone said to me that using texture is much better compared to 3D text because it is less laggy but if you have quite a good pc,i think there is not much different (well, at least from my point of view)

So, for any questions and comments, care to leave it down below ^^

enjoy ^^

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[Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods Empty Re: [Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods

Post by N- 打具ヴぁーぜ場 Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:01 pm

arakun..he use DEEP Exploration
N- 打具ヴぁーぜ場
N- 打具ヴぁーぜ場

Posts : 542
Join date : 2012-07-17
Age : 24
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[Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods Empty Re: [Tutorial] Adding Decals on Mods

Post by Guest Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:01 am


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